Donald Trump just gave himself a new nickname. It’s not going well.

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Donald Trump hardly tweeted anything yesterday. After seeing how his eruption of tweets today is playing out for him thus far, he may end up wishing he’d stayed quiet instead. Trump tried giving himself a new nickname today, and – to put it mildly – it’s not exactly being received well.

After spending the morning ranting about Mexico, France, and caravans, Donald Trump posted this bizarre tweet: “So great that oil prices are falling (thank you President T). Add that, which is like a big Tax Cut, to our other good Economic news. Inflation down (are you listening Fed)!” This promptly led to “President T” trending on Twitter, and not for the kinds of reasons Trump might have been hoping.

Respondents on Twitter began quipping that the “T” in “President T” stood for anything from traitor, to turd, to tiny. Numerous people took the opportunity to compare Donald Trump unfavorably to “Mr. T” from the A-Team. Some people pointed to the psychological studies suggesting that people who are clinically compelled to speak about themselves in the third person may be unstable. Then there were the many economic experts who pointed out that Trump couldn’t possibly be having any impact on oil prices.

Meanwhile, today is the tenth and final day of the ten day window that Special Counsel Robert Mueller gave himself in filing a status update about Paul Manafort’s cooperation, strongly hinting in the process that one or more people sold out by Manafort would be arrested by today. The subsequent Jerome Corsi plea deal negotiations could be throwing off that timetable by a bit. But perhaps “President T” is melting down today because he fears arrests are coming.

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