Looks like something is going down with Robert Mueller, Roger Stone, and Julian Assange

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Last week Palmer Report pointed to the sudden spike in mainstream media coverage of Robert Mueller’s long-running grand jury against Roger Stone, even though little new information was actually being reported. We explained that it may have been a sign that certain major media outlets knew something was coming on that front. Now something does appear to be in play.

Numerous Roger Stone associates have already testified before the grand jury, and some of them have publicly revealed that Robert Mueller’s primary focus was on Stone’s communications with Julian Assange and WikiLeaks during the election. This has strongly suggested all along that Mueller would indict Stone and Assange jointly. The tricky part would be that Assange lives in the basement of the Ecuadorian embassy in London, and isn’t exactly easily available for arrest at the moment.

Now suddenly, just days after the media finally decided to make the criminal case against Roger Stone an editorial priority, Reuters is reporting that Assange is claiming that he’s on the verge of being handed over to the United States. Presumably this would be via extradition.

Julian Assange is a proven liar, so we can’t simply take him at his word. But if it is true that Ecuador is about to hand Assange over to the United States, it’s not difficult to imagine that this is because Robert Mueller is about to indict Assange and Roger Stone, and Ecuador doesn’t want to defy an extradition request from the United States, or get caught up in the Trump-Russia scandal. Ecuador has previously protected Assange from criminal charges in other nations, but up to now, the U.S. has never asked that he be turned over.

So it’s worth keeping an eye on this. If Robert Mueller imminently indicts Roger Stone and Julian Assange in the Trump-Russia scandal, and arrests Stone, that would all simply be expected. But if Mueller really is about to bring Assange to the United States for arrest and trial, then we’re looking at major fireworks getting underway.

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