Lindsey Graham goes berserk in Senate hallway during Dr. Christine Blasey Ford hearings

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Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony against Brett Kavanaugh is going very well for her thus far, and very poorly for the Republican Party. Ford is coming off as believable and compelling. Committee chairman Chuck Grassley is making a fool of himself. GOP prosecutor Rachel Mitchell keeps swinging and missing. This is going south for the Republicans by the minute. For reasons known only to him, GOP Senator Lindsey Graham seems to be taking it the hardest.

During the lunch break, Lindsey Graham went utterly berserk while speaking to a group of reporters and television cameras in a Senate hallway. His tantrum was centered around the idea that if Dr. Ford’s claims are to be believed, then it means that no one can ever be confirmed to any position. He also insisted that this precedent is going to lead to the demise of every Republican in the Senate, angrily exclaiming “God help us all around here!”

Senator Graham has completed a swift heel turn into a cartoonishly over the top villain over the past few months, and opinions are split on whether he’s aiming for a job in the Donald Trump administration, or whether he’s being blackmailed into behaving this way. Whatever is really going on here, Graham is clearly taking the ongoing demise of the Brett Kavanaugh nomination personally.

Oddly, it almost sounds as if Lindsey Graham worries that he’s going to be the next Republican to be accused of sexual assault. That raises questions about why he would think he’ll be the next target. When you consider this within the context of his increasingly bizarre behavior, the whole thing becomes even more jarring. Whatever is really going on with Graham, it’s one of the more alarming – and underreported – scandals in all of politics.

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