Donald Trump Jr has deranged meltdown about President Obama

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Now that President Obama has come out swinging in the midterm elections, Donald Trump has had surprisingly little to say in response. He claimed he fell asleep during Obama’s fiery speech, which might be the lamest comeback of all time. Trump also retweeted some deranged false claims about Obama, but that’s been the full extent of it thus far. However, his son Donald Trump Jr hasn’t hesitated to make a complete fool of himself by attacking Obama.

Donald Trump Jr started by throwing a fit about the number of times in which President Obama referred to himself in his speech, continuing a years-long campaign on the part of racists everywhere to paint Obama as being some kind of narcissist any time he mentions himself in any capacity. Then Junior posted this literally insane rant: “Obama claiming this economy may be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Anyone with a brain knows his policies of over regulation, excessive taxation, and general hatred of business killed growth for his entire 8 years. There’s not a single stat where we aren’t better off today.”

Wait, what? President Obama had historic levels of economic growth during his presidency. In the time since Donald Trump inherited the roaring Obama economy and sabotaged it with antics like his failed trade war, that growth has slowed down. Every economic indicator shows this, but if you want to see it shorthand, just take a look at the stock market. The DJIA increased by roughly 200% during Obama’s eight years, but it’s only climbed by another roughly 25% in the year and a half since Trump seized power. Stock market growth has significantly slowed under Trump. Even Junior should be able to do math that simple.

Donald Trump Jr then went on to retweet a number of deranged conspiracy theories that other creeps have written about President Obama, proving that he can be every bit as lazy as his father. As a reminder, Trump Jr is going to end up in prison for conspiring against the United States during the election, possibly for the rest of his life.

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