Avenatti: Rudy Giuliani is lying yet again

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Earlier this week Rudy Giuliani made the quite frankly pathetic admission that he hasn’t even spoken with his “client” Donald Trump in a couple weeks. That would explain a lot about why Rudy seems to have no clue what the gameplan even is, and why Trump’s legal defense increasingly feels like something he got off the back of a cereal box. Now it turns out Giuliani’s latest sad claim apparently isn’t even true.

Michael Avenatti, the attorney for Stormy Daniels, appeared on MSNBC yesterday and asserted that Rudy Giuliani’s claim simply isn’t true, saying “I don’t know if he’s lying or just dazed and confused.” Avenatti didn’t spell out how he knows that Trump and Giuliani have spoken more recently. But Avenatti has proven that he’s generally in a position to know these kinds of things, and based on their respective track records, we have every reason to believe that Avenatti is telling the truth about Giuliani lying. The question is why.

What kind of strategy could possibly consist of an attorney publicly announcing that he’s no longer even speaking with his client, when he has in fact been speaking to his client? A completely nonsensical one. There’s no strategy here. There’s no logic. Rudy is just frantically spouting whatever ridiculous thing pops into his head at any given moment, without regard for whether it’s true or false, or whether it helps or hurts him.

Someday, after Donald Trump has been sentenced to life in prison, and Rudy Giuliani has served whatever brief prison sentence he ends up with as part of his plea deal, Rudy will be kind enough to write a book and tell us what the hell was really going on in his head while he was running Trump’s legal defense team into the ground. Of course any such book would probably be gibberish anyway.

Palmer Report is fighting more aggressively than ever on the editorial and activism fronts. We need to raise $5,926 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate whatever you can.