So much for the secret evil genius strategy

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

Donald Trump and his team have recently begun invoking such a bizarre and incomprehensible defense strategy, there’s are only two possible explanations: this is some kind of secret evil genius strategy that none of the rest of us are smart enough to comprehend, or Trump and his team are just idiots. Now we’re getting our answer.

Trump and his fixer Michael Cohen have been using an oddly intertwined defense strategy in civil and criminal court, and from the outside, it hasn’t looked like it’s been working too well. So far it’s resulted in the judge appointing a Special Master to sort and admit the evidence that Trump and Cohen were hoping to get thrown out. But do they have a rabbit in the hat? As it turns out, no.

Yesterday we learned that the Trump-Cohen defense strategy has worked so, ahem, brilliantly that Michael Cohen’s banking records have already ended up in the hands of Stormy Daniels’ attorney, who promptly published the most incriminating parts. So much for the brilliant strategy. In fact the banking records proved that Cohen is even more of an idiot than we thought. Cohen took a half million dollar payoff from a Russian oligarch after Trump took office, at a time when he should have known his every move โ€“ particularly his every move related to money and Russia โ€“ was going to be scrutinized. But he’s not the only idiot.

We’ve seen Rudy Giuliani spend the past week going on television and confessing that, yes, Donald Trump really did commit a bunch of felonies. Pundits and observers have been trying to figure out if perhaps Rudy has some secret evil genius strategy that hasn’t revealed itself yet. As it turns out, once again, no. Giuliani only served to bring more public attention to the Trump-Daniels scandal, giving Daniels’ attorney a bigger audience when he released Cohen’s banking records. Trump and his team are just idiots.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.