Video emerges of Donald Trump plotting Trump Tower in Moscow

On Sunday evening, confirmation surfaced that Donald Trump and a convicted criminal business partner were working to build a Trump Tower in Moscow while Trump was running for President of the United States. This draws a straight line between Trump, Vladimir Putin, and funding from the Russian mafia – and it blows the entire Trump Russia scandal wide open. Now video has emerged of Donald Trump plotting Trump Tower in Moscow.
Here’s a video of Donald Trump talking openly with the Russian media about trying to build a Trump Tower in Moscow while he was in Russia for the Miss Universe pageant in 2013 (link):
This video of Trump talking about building Trump Tower in Moscow–needs to go viral.#ImpeachTrump #TrumpResign
— Scott Dworkin (@funder) August 28, 2017
In the video Donald Trump says “We’ve met with a number of people and we may do something in Moscow and various parts of Russia, but we have had some meetings while I’m here, and we could very well do something. We’re thinking about doing a Trump Tower Moscow, so we’re talking to a group of people about doing that.” It’s widely believed that Trump seriously fell into bed financially with the Russians while he was in Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant, which is when Trump spoke the above words. It’s also believed that Russia’s blackmail efforts on Trump, including the infamous Pee Pee Tape, took place during that same trip.
This is now crucial, because the Washington Post (link) is reporting that Donald Trump and his children and Russian mafia figure Felix Sater were indeed trying to build Trump Tower in Moscow during the election. Combined with the above video, it demonstrates that the project was years in the making. It means that a straight line can now be drawn from Trump’s infamous Moscow trip in 2013 to his eventual Russia-tinged presidential campaign in 2015 and 2016. And it gives even more ammo to Special Counsel Robert Mueller.