Donald Trump’s tweet plunges Saudi Arabian government into regime-changing chaos

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Donald Trump just departed on a twelve day overseas trip to Asia. His staff is able to regularly supervise him during these trips, limiting his ability to sneak off and post a mentally incompetent Twitter meltdown. But he did manage to fire off a cryptic tweet on Saturday morning which seemed oddly specific: “Would very much appreciate Saudi Arabia doing their IPO of Aramco with the New York Stock Exchange. Important to the United States!” In the hours since, the government of Saudi Arabia has plunged itself into total chaos – and this can’t be a coincidence.

Just hours later, CNBC reported that the royal family of Saudi Arabia arrested one of its own wealthiest and most influential members, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, who has invested his money heavily in American companies (link). Others were also ousted from governmental power, as the Crown Prince looks to seize full control over the nation, in what amounts to a partial regime change. Trump’s tweet was some kind of signal to the Crown Prince – and Jared Kushner’s secret visit to Saudi Arabia now sticks out like a sore thumb.

Kushner took the trip without the public knowing, and when the media subsequently asked about it, Trump’s White House declined to provide a satisfactory answer. Harvard Law Professor Laurene Tribe characterized Prince Alwaleed’s arrest in this manner: “This is the prince who stiffed Jared on his recent secret mission to Saudi, where of course Putin & Trump are in cahoots.” The company Trump referenced in his tweet, Aramco, is the official government-owned oil company of Saudi Arabia.

So the timeline now looks like this: Jared Kushner secretly traveled to Saudi Arabia and asked Prince Alwaleed to bail out his sinking personal fortunes. Alwaleed refused. One week later Donald Trump publicly invited the Saudi Arabian government to launch its IPO on the New York Stock Exchange. Hours later, the Saudi Arabian government arrested the Prince who had just refused to bail out Kushner. And because everything about Trump relates to Russia, Saudi Arabia just announced a major new oil deal with Russia.

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