The bizarre Donald Trump White House sex scandal that caused two senior advisors to quit

In any other White House, the prospect of a sex scandal would be front page news and would serve as cable news fodder for months on end. But in the context of the sheer chaos of Donald Trump’s White House, and his constant desire to be the focus of the media’s and the public’s attention, the first sex scandal has already come and gone and was hardly noticed despite being a spectacularly bizarre one which caused two of his senior advisors to quit.
Now that the Donald Trump White House is already looking to hire its third Communications Director in the wake of Sean Spicer’s recent demotion, it’s worth noting what happened to Spicer’s predecessor. Trump’s first White House Communications Director, Jason Miller, was forced to give up the job before he even got into the White House, just two days after he was publicly named to the position. He claimed he had changed his mind and wanted to spend more time with his family. But shortly thereafter, another Trump senior advisor began exposing the details of what she claimed was the real story.
After Jason Miller announced he was declining the Communications Director job he had just accepted, another Trump advisor A.J. Delgado began tweeting that Miller was her “baby daddy.” She was clearly asserting that the two had been involved in affair during the Trump campaign, and she appeared to be claiming that he had gotten her pregnant.
Delgado then deleted her Twitter account and vanished, Miller followed through with his stated intention to not take the Communications Director job, and neither has been heard from since. On some level no one should care about these things. But if two senior advisors to any other incoming president had quit after allegedly having a sex scandal with each other, it would have been reported as a massive scandal.
The only reason this scandal didn’t become a big story is that Trump was being too controversial himself at the time. It raises the question of what other transgressions in the Donald Trump White House may be going unnoticed or underreported due to the sheer chaos he publicly creates each day. The sex scandal may or may not matter within the context of the Trump administration, but it does reveal the media’s need to be vigilant in digging for the stories beyond the ones that Donald Trump wants in the headlines each day.
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