“Off The Rails”: Fox News shoots down Donald Trump wiretap claim

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Now that the bipartisan House and Senate Intelligence Committees have both unanimously shot down Donald Trump’s claim that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower, it turns out Trump is trying to weasel out of his unsubstantiated claim by blaming it on something he heard on Fox News. In fact, when asked about it by a reporter today, Trump said “You should be talking to Fox.” In a remarkable turn of events, Fox News then quickly shot down Trump’s claim on-air.

It now appears that Donald Trump came up with his wild false claim about Obama based on nothing more than unsubstantiated propaganda from Breitbart. His White House has since tried to source the claim back to the New York Times, but the Times article in question does not at all support Trump’s assertion. The White House has also since suggested that Obama had used British intelligence to spy on Trump, a claim which originated with an empty claim floated on-air by unreliable Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano. But even Fox is now distancing itself from the matter.

Shortly after Donald Trump tried to blame Fox News for the entire controversy, host Shep Smith asserted on-air today that “Fox News cannot confirm Judge Napolitano’s commentary. Fox News knows of no evidence of any kind that the president was surveilled in any way, at any time.” Smith went on to decry Trump over the matter, declaring that the whole thing “just feels off the rails.” (Contribute to Palmer Report). Watch Fox News take down Donald Trump over the false wiretap claim:

ALERT: we need to raise $1976 to continue our fight against Trump. We must push back as aggressively as possible. Click here to donate what you can.