There’s something suspicious about the Trump Tower room Donald Trump Jr. and Russia’s Rinat Akhmetshin met in

Things just got even worse for Donald Trump Jr., because it’s been revealed today that his meeting with a Russian government lawyer was also attended by a former Soviet counterintelligence officer. Numerous major news outlets are now identifying Rinat Akhmetshin as the sixth person who was in on the meeting (link). But there’s something suspicious about the particular room in Trump Tower that they all met in, and it hints at even more people having possibly attended.
According to the emails released by Donald Trump Jr., his Russia meeting took place on the 25th floor of Trump Tower. According to numerous press clippings assembled by a Palmer Report reader, the 25th floor is the board room. Media coverage of that boardroom reveals that it essentially consists of nothing but a giant table that holds at least twenty people (link). Now close your eyes and try to imagine just six people sitting at a gigantic table meant for perhaps two dozen people. It would be awkward beyond belief. It raises the question of why Trump Jr. would have chosen the 25th floor boardroom if only six people were going to be attending.
Maybe there was just nowhere else to hold the meeting that day, though one would think six people could meet just about anywhere in Trump Tower they wanted to. Maybe Donald Trump Jr. knew just how important this meeting was with these Kremlin representatives, and he was trying to impress them by holding it in his father’s big bad boardroom. Or maybe he chose a room with such a gigantic table because there were more people in this meeting than they’re admitting to.
Keep in mind that no one involved with the meeting admitted that Rinat Akhmetshin had attended it, until after the media got ahold of it. So now, including the translator, we’ve gone from five people in the room to six. By tomorrow it might be seven. Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort had to confess to this meeting to avoid getting in trouble with the Feds, and they had to give up Donald Trump Jr. in the process because he set up the meeting. But who’s to say other members of the Donald Trump campaign, or even Donald Trump himself, weren’t also in the meeting? After all, we know the entire Trump campaign was in town that day for a GOP fundraiser later that day, down the street from Trump Tower.