Donald Trump, gutless wonder

On a day when Donald Trump decided to try to ruin the lives of eight hundred thousand innocent Americans just to score desperate political points with what’s left of his racist base, here’s what he had to say about the matter: nothing. Here’s what he had to tweet about the matter: nothing. He sent his Confederate General Jeff Sessions to make the announcement, and even he wasn’t willing to take questions. Trump sent Sarah Huckabee Sanders to the podium without an answer to the inevitable question of why he hadn’t made the announcement himself. Presumably the real answer is that Donald Trump couldn’t stand up at a podium and make the DACA announcement himself because standing would require a spine.
Trump proved today that he’s every bit as craven, every bit as racist, every bit as cruelly evil, and every bit as un-Amercian as the harshest of detractors had ever claimed. But he also proved that he’s nothing more than a sniveling, spineless wimp. He knows the American mainstream will crucify him for ending DACA, so he’s afraid to step up and take ownership of the decision. He knows his own filthy base will be disappointed that he’s leaving the door open for Congress to override him before he shuts it down, so he’s afraid to face them as well.
Trump is presumably spending the day hiding under a rock, or under his bed, fretting over the realization that yes, tough decisions can cost you popularity no matter how you handle them. He never wanted this job. He’s spent the entirety of it fellating himself on Twitter and playing golf, and now he’s tacitly begging “please don’t hurt me!”
Now is the time for Donald Trump to resign. He’s facing the cold hard reality that he isn’t up for this. The exit door is right over there.