Donald Trump’s Day From Hell, June 3rd Edition

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With his climate change announcement from the day before having landed with a resounding thud, Donald Trump needed a rebound today. Instead Trump basically sat by today and said and did nothing, while things went wrong all around him. In particular, his Russia scandal got much, much worse – to the point that even Putin seems to be ready to dump it all in Trump’s lap. Over the past twenty-four hours, Trump has had yet another day from hell.

The day began with word that Russian President Vladimir Putin is now finally admitting that Russian hackers may have been responsible for rigging the 2016 U.S. presidential election, a sign that Putin now expects the ugly truth to come out inevitably as the investigation pushes further – as we covered here.

Then it turned out Putin was right to insulate himself while betting against Donald Trump, as it was revealed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is going all-in on Trump’s associates and allies. Mueller took over the grand jury currently targeting Michael Flynn. He’s also taken over the investigation into Paul Manafort. And he’s even targeting Attorney General Jeff Sessions for his role in the Russia scandal. Mueller is clearly targeting everyone in Trump’s orbit to see who’s going to crack first and flip on Trump – which we covered here.

And even as Trump’s White House began floating the possibility that it might seek to block former FBI Director James Comey from publicly testifying next week, Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe confirmed that Trump can’t legally make it happen, because Trump already waived executive privilege by publicly discussing the investigation – as we covered here.

Finally, as if to add insult to injury to Trump’s bad day, Palmer Report finally managed to confirm that Donald Trump really did use Kanye West to try to distract from Jared Kushner’s meeting with a Russian banker. This doesn’t just make Trump’s Kanye meeting look even more embarrassing than it already did. It also proves Trump knew Kushner was secretly meeting with the Russian – which we explained here. Follow Palmer Report on Facebook and Twitter. If you’re a regular reader, feel free to support Palmer Report

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