You’re damn right, we’re going to talk about gun control

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In the hours after the mass shooting in Las Vegas, we already knew the predictable response that would come from not only the Donald Trump regime, but also from gun addicts everywhere: “Now is not the time to talk about gun control.” We knew we’d hear some variation of that theme from those folks, because they know they’re in the wrong – and their only defense is to beg us to shut up. You know what? No, it’s not going to happen. Not this time.

There are plenty of gun owners, most of them in fact, who understand the need for stricter gun control. But then there are those whose entire lives are defined by their worship of their guns. They’re either addicted to gun culture to the point that it’s taken over their lives, or they’re psychologically disturbed to the point that they have delusions of using their guns to take on the government, or they’re subconsciously hoping to die in a firefight with someone. We all know the type. We laugh at them, while we try to avoid them. Except on days like this, where we inexplicably cower to them.

Trump sent White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to the podium today to insist that no solutions should be discussed, even as she went on to flat out lie about the effectiveness of gun control in Chicago. This is another favored tactic of gun absolutists and gun addicts: they just make things up, and they hope no one will catch on. Listening to a gun addict dishonestly rationalize the need for unrestricted gun ownership is jarringly similar to listening to a heroin addict trying to rationalize the need to get high. Guns and drugs in general are two vastly different conversations – but addiction is addiction, no matter the object of that addition.

These gun addicts who oppose gun control are, by the way, the very last people who should be allowed anywhere near a gun. You wouldn’t allow anyone near a car who was screaming about the right to drive it at 120 MPH while drunk. Yet somehow, on days like this, we allow this small minority of unstable people to tell us what we’re allowed to say about a national security issue like gun control. In their deluded minds, the Second Amendment somehow comes before the First Amendment. But not anymore.

Back when Columbine happened, we were told that it wasn’t the time to talk about gun control. Then Sandy Hook happened, and we were once again told that it wasn’t the right time. Every time we’re tragically proven right about gun control, we’re told we’re not allowed to talk about it. Now we’re being told the same thing again about Las Vegas. Well when is the right time?

Whenever the horror of gun addiction tragically rears its ugly head, the gun addicts beg us not talk about it. They pretend it’s somehow offensive to the victims if we talk about ways to prevent the same tragedy from repeating itself. They know deep down that we’re right, of course. They’re afraid of gun control because they’re ones who could pass a psych evaluation. It’s why they try so desperately to silence us. They’re hoping that by the time we revisit the issue a week or a month after the tragedy, it’ll be less prominent in the minds of the mainstream, and we’ll make less headway. But at this point, mass shootings are happening so often that there’s hardly any downtime between them.

Enough is enough. I’ll keep my opinions to myself about gun ownership in general. But when it comes to the gun addicts, let’s call it what it is: if you’re opposed to gun control, you’re in need of psychological help. You don’t get a say on this issue. Not anymore. The next time the gun addicts try to tell us that it’s not the time to discuss gun control, our response should be that it’s not the time for them to be speaking at all. Those who oppose gun control don’t belong in the gun control debate; they belong in a straitjacket. That’s the real message we need to be screaming on a day like this. We owe it to the victims.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.