Donald Trump gets desperate, tries to throw Sally Yates and Michael Flynn under the same bus

If you’re looking for a sign of just how concerned Donald Trump is about Sally Yates publicly testifying about Michael Flynn and Trump’s Russia scandal today, look no further than his White House’s freshly leaked counter programming strategy. And if you want a sign of how sloppy the Trump White House has become, consider the fact that the strategy has already leaked before it’s been put into action. Oh, and it involves one extra large bus.
Political news site Axios got ahold of the Donald Trump administration’s playbook for today, and Brian Fallon from the Hillary Clinton campaign has posted it (link). Here are the three steps involved: 1) Paint Sally Yates as a Democratic operative and a liar who was out to get Trump all along. 2) Paint Michael Flynn as having had no real connection to Trump. 3) Paint Flynn as having acted as a lone wolf.
That right there is what you call a desperation level strategy. No one among the general public is going to buy that Sally Yates, who had no public political profile during her two decades at the Department of Justice and hasn’t said a word publicly since her firing, has any sort of self serving agenda she’s trying to drive home. And no one is going to believe that Trump had no connection to Michael Flynn, one of the few people who managed to complete the trifecta of serving as a Trump campaign adviser, transition adviser, and White House adviser.
That’s really all Donald Trump has left in the tank as far as pushing back at this point? Throwing everyone under the same bus? Oh, and then there was this beauty of a tweet from him yesterday: “When will the Fake Media ask about the Dems dealings with Russia.” At this point Trump is one step away from being reduced to yelling “Hey look, what’s that over there?” Help fund Palmer Report
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