‪Donald Trump’s team begs people to stop making fun of Donald Trump‬

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It turns out Donald Trump’s team may be every bit as thin skinned as he is. Trump spent the entire campaign mocking war heroes and making fun of the disabled, positioning himself as the most insecure bully in modern American history, and one of the most despised people in the nation. But as Americans now proceed to mock Trump over his infantile twitter meltdowns and general inability to act like an adult, his own team is now begging people to stop mocking him.

Donald Trump’s White House Press Secretary, who also had to take over the role of Communications Director after the person originally picked for the job quit after having an affair with yet another staffer, appeared on the Sunday morning talk show circuit and – in what may be an American first – asked the public not to “mock” Trump and instead celebrate his accomplishments.

The trouble: there are no accomplishments. Donald Trump has claimed to secure American jobs from Carrier and Sprint, but those have turned out to be busts. Beyond that Trump has mainly tried to take credit for President Obama’s economy, caused international incidents, and hinted at nuclear war while tweeting like an infant. And his team wonders why Americans are mocking him.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can