Yep, the Russian government was running the Donald Trump campaign

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Last week, Special Counsel Robert Mueller inserted just enough about the Trump-Russia election conspiracy into his court filings to make clear that he has Donald Trump – and just about everyone else in the campaign – nailed for criminal collusion. Now that the mainstream media sees that Mueller is about to blow the lid off it, we’re seeing the prevailing media narrative head significantly in that direction. But this is still just barely scratching the surface of what’s about to blow up.

In the past twenty-four hours we’ve seen one major news outlet list off fourteen key players from the Trump campaign who met or communicated with Russia during the 2016 election, and another major news outlet list off sixteen key players who did the same. There’s no new information here, and it’s really just a matter of how you want to do the counting. But if we’ve learned one thing, it’s that when the mainstream media starts doing these kinds of prominent roundups of existing information en masse, it’s because they know what’s coming. So just what is coming?

For now, the narrative is being framed as the Russian government and the Donald Trump campaign as having had inappropriate levels of contact and coordination, as if they were two distinct teams who were cheating by working together behind the scenes. But there is enough publicly available evidence to paint a different picture: the Russian government and the Trump campaign were not two distinct entities; the Russian government was running the Trump campaign.

Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and vice chairman were literally on the Kremlin’s payroll before they went to work for the campaign. Trump’s top national security adviser dined with Vladimir Putin in Moscow just before joining the campaign. Putin clearly installed these people to run Trump’s campaign on his behalf. Trump’s own son invited Russian government representatives into Trump Tower during the election, after they told him they were going to give him information to use against Trump’s opponent.

In addition, Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and his longtime real estate partner were both plotting with the Kremlin to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, which would have sent hundreds of millions of dollars from Russia to Donald Trump. Oh, and it was Trump’s own daughter who helped make the initial connection between Trump’s lawyer and the Kremlin.

Not only was Russia installing its own assets into the positions in the Trump campaign so they could run the whole show, Donald Trump’s family and lawyer and business partner were plotting to make sure Russia paid Trump handsomely for getting to run his campaign. This wasn’t about collusion or conspiracy between the Donald Trump campaign and the Russian government; those two entities were literally the same thing.

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