There’s something wrong with Lindsey Graham

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now:

Of all the Republicans who have gone completely insane, Lindsey Graham is the biggest surprise. He used to be a normal Republicans who, when Trump announced his first run, berated Trump mercilessly. Then, Trump won, and something happened to Lindsey Graham. He turned from number one critic to chief bootlicker. One of these days, we’re going to find out what the Hell happened to him. In the meantime, we listen to him say all sorts of nonsense, including his claim that President Biden is the “real felon.” Graham must need some brain surgery-like a lobotomy-because his mind is shot.

Graham appeared with Jesse Watters on Fox. RawStory described his demeanor as “furious.” Graham told Watters: “Next time you hear the word ‘felon’ in this election, I think the felon in this election is Joe Biden.” Does Graham think saying it makes it so? Turns out that Graham meant: “What he’s doing to the country is criminal.” What has President Biden done other than lower the unemployment rate for Blacks, lower the poverty rate for Blacks, and got the cost of insulin down? Who knows what’s going on in that thing loosely called a mind in Graham’s head?

After Graham’s statement, Michael Steele, former RNC chair and current MSNBC host, had a fit. He ran the clip of Graham’s appearance and said that Graham’s ridiculous comments are part of attempts to ramp up attacks on President Biden as Trump continues to slip in the polls. What Graham said is not true, and people outside of Trump’s orbit know it’s not true. It really doesn’t matter what Trump’s minions think. They believe Trump is the second coming. At the end of the clip, Steele commented: “It is just mind numbingly stupid what he just said.” Explaining his comment, Steele said: “Because what you’re saying … I have a difference with his policies that are somehow criminal and therefore he’s a felon.” Of course, that makes absolutely no sense. Let’s call it was it is. Trump was convicted of 34 felony charges by a jury of his peers. Besides, who wants to stand behind a man who lies for a living? Trump brings nothing positive to the table, and as a convicted felon, he belongs nowhere near the White House, let alone in it. It is obvious that Graham has lost all sense of reason.

He returned to Fox Sunday to claim that Democrats are trying to “destroy” Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas and referred to President Biden as “reckless.” No, these people sitting on the Supreme Court are reckless and lawless. Democrats merely want them to admit to their wrongdoing and live up to what should be the ethics of a Supreme Court justice. All judges should be scrutinized, and if they don’t live up to their roles, we should be able to recuse them. Graham and his fellow Republics love disorder and lawlessness. Graham is only one of many who need to vacate their offices for new people who know right from wrong.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: