So much for the claim that Donald Trump out-fundraised Joe Biden last month

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President Joe Biden has been consistently out-fundraising Donald Trump by a significant and often nearly two-to-one margin each month of the 2024 presidential campaign. Then Trump went on trial, and his campaign began making unsupported claims of ludicrously big fundraising numbers. His campaign was desperate to create the perception that the nation was flooding him with financial support in protest of his trial.

But since Trump and his campaign are always lying, and no evidence was provided to support any of these numbers, no one was asinine enough to actually run with them, right? Well, as it turns out, the New York Times is precisely that asinine.

The New York Times is now going along with the Trump campaign’s claims that it’s sharply out-fundraised Biden in each of the past two months. But as Mueller She Wrote has smartly deciphered, these claims aren’t backed up by any FEC filings or anything binding. The New York Times is even quietly admitting way down in the article that the “full accounting” (in other words the actual FEC numbers) won’t come out until next month.

Of course by the time the actual FEC numbers come out, we don’t imagine the New York Times will go back and run a big headline about what the actual numbers are. At this point the New York Times is largely just doing PR for the Trump campaign. It’s beyond embarrassing.

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