Pat Cipollone is suddenly looming large over Donald Trump

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There is a waiting game going on right now. From sea to shining sea, we wait. For politicians of both parties, pundits, and political animals, we are on the edge of our seats. We wait for word on what Pat Cipollone will do.

In some ways, Cipollone is the most dangerous witness of them all — for Donald Trump. He is the outlet connecting all the wires. He can be Donald Trump’s savior — or, more likely — his ultimate nemesis. And don’t think Trump doesn’t know that. And so does Cipollone.

A subpoena has gone out from the January 6 committee. Cipollone can’t ignore it. He will have to make a decision. And right now, he is silent. It is a gnawing and pervasive silence that must be eating away at his psyche. What will he do?

I think he will eventually testify. He really has no choice. Cipollone is a man on the brink. He must be, even as I write these words, engaged in a struggle of morality as old as the winds. Pat is not the first to wrestle with the proverbial question, nor will he be the last. But right now, on this day — he just might be the most important.

What will he do? Will he fish or cut bait? It is his moral quagmire. Will he choose honor? Or will he choose corruption? Will he choose to bite into the rotten apple or turn his back on the moral decay? We should all know soon enough.

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