Judge Aileen Cannon flames out

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now:

The laughing stock of a judge that is Judge Cannon, decided to take a deep dive into the stinking waters of the Trump team’s absurd legal motions. In court on Monday, Cannon seemed especially interested in the Special Counsel budget. This interest likely stemmed from the trump team bringing up which is hardly surprising because where Trump goes, so Judge Cannon always follows.

But it doesn’t end there. The Prosecutor, David Harbach, read aloud in court some of the convicted felon’s violent threats. Unlike with the Special Counsel budget, Cannon did not appear overly concerned about the threats. “Where do you see a call for violence?” the Trump Judge asked.

Then Cannon decided on a new tact — an utterly astonishing one — — insulting the prosecutor. “I don’t appreciate your tone”, the incompetent Judge screamed at the Special prosecutor, declaring dramatically, “Let’s reset.”

Then, it was Defense attorney Todd Blanch’s’s turn. He earnestly explained that the threats were meant to be directed at President Biden, not the FBI. Oh, that makes it OK then. (sarcasm.)

Judge Cannon keeps digging a deeper hole for herself. Her frequent interruptions, disrespectful tone, and biased rulings are now in the news daily, and it’s a pleasure to see the incompetence held aloft for all the world to see. Cannon also seems to have control issues. It does not surprise me. I think this is a judge who wants desperately to be taken seriously. Maybe if she showed one iota of logic, she would be.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: