Rod Rosenstein humiliates GOP Congressman Jim Jordan on live national television

There’s an old adage that says you shouldn’t ask a question if you don’t know the answer. If you’re Republican Congressman Jim Jordan, you shouldn’t ask a question if you don’t even know the question. Jordan and his far-right Trump allies in the House held an absurd hearing today aimed at giving credence to Donald Trump’s increasingly deranged conspiracy theories. But Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein wasn’t having any of it.
In recent weeks, Trump and GOP House allies have tried to force Rosenstein to turn over evidence in the ongoing Trump-Russia investigation. Rosenstein is unwilling to do it, for obvious reasons: Trump and his allies are the ones under investigation. At one point, aides to a GOP House member threatened to have Rosenstein held in contempt. In response, Rosenstein stated that if they were planning to open a criminal investigation into him, he would have to subpoena their communications as evidence.
It was a brilliant move that seemed to get them to back off. But now Trump’s GOP House allies are trying to falsely accuse Rod Rosenstein of leading a witch hunt against their staffers. Jim Jordan asked Rosenstein this question today: “Having the nation’s number one law enforcement officer threaten to subpoena your calls and emails is downright chilling. Did you threaten to subpoena their calls and emails?” Rosenstein fired back with “No sir, and there’s no way to subpoena phone calls.” People in the room began laughing.
This moment tells us where we’re at. Rod Rosenstein obviously has no fear of Donald Trump or his political allies, as evidenced by Rosenstein’s willingness to humiliate Jim Jordan with a zinger on live national television. In addition, this demonstrates that people like Jordan don’t even know what they’re talking about. They’re just frantically throwing random things at the wall, in the hope something will stick.