GOP hits panic button over Donald Trump’s debate debacle

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now:

EVERYONE in GOP circles is freaking out about the debate! Wow. These guys must be seriously scared of President Biden. Who would have thought it? ( We did.) The latest Republican to lose his shit regarding the debate is Ronny Jackson. Do you remember him? Trump’s former doc and currently Trump representative for the state of Texas.

Jackson told Fox non-news on Sunday that he is prepared to SEND A LETTER to President Biden and the White House demanding Biden take a drug test before the debate. He claims he’s also sending this letter to Biden’s doctor.

The rows of idiots keep on getting more idiotic. Jackson said it was VITAL Biden submit to a drug test. He also floated a conspiracy theory that Biden is taking drugs over at Camp David, instead of doing debate prep.

Does this article not sound to you like it surely must be fake news? Does this article not sound to you too insane, too bizarre, too UTTERLY LOONY to ever be true? It sounds that way to the writer of said article as well. Except it IS True. They are LOSING IT over the debate.

Trump is losing it. Fox is losing it. Trump’s cult members like Jackson are losing it. It’s an actual collage of idiots, losing what few brain cells they had as they quiver and sweat and lament and obsess and ruminate and have anxiety attacks over President Biden, AKA Dark Brandon, who, with a casual grin (and a smirk), could happily devour them all for breakfast. Winning NEVER felt this good.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: