Emmanuel Macron fires back after Donald Trump attacks Justin Trudeau

The gloves are off, the insults are flying, and the whole thing has dissolved into an embarrassment. No, we’re not talking about the summit between unstable despot Donald Trump and his soulmate Kim Jong Un, which hasn’t begun yet. We’re talking about the G7 meeting between Trump and the leaders of the United States’ closest allies.
Trump spent the entire G7 humiliating himself. Well, not the entire G7, as he showed up late and left early. He failed to get along with any of the other leaders, and he got dirty looks from most of them. Then he reminded the whole world of why he belongs in prison for treason, as he insisted that his puppet master Vladimir Putin and Russia be added to the G7. By the time the summit was mercifully over, Trump surprisingly signed off on the official communique. Less than an hour later, things got really ugly.
Donald Trump decided after the fact that he no longer liked the communique; perhaps he didn’t read it before initially agreeing to it. He hopped on Twitter and attacked Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, calling him “meek and mild” and “dishonest” and “weak.” This went over like a lead balloon, as everyone from Republican members of Congress to former FBI Director James Comey pushed back against Trump while defending Canada.
French President Emmanuel Macron responded by releasing this statement: “We spent two days to obtain a text and commitments. We will stand by them and anyone who would depart from them, once their back was turned, shows their incoherence and inconsistency.” That sounds like a polite way of saying that Trump is mentally incompetent and senile. Help fund Palmer Report