Donald Trump’s lunatic fringe

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now:

Since Donald Trump made that calamitous trip down the escalator so many years ago, we’ve been at war—at war against evil. Throughout these long — ever so long — years, the GOP has had more opportunities than is possible to count, to repudiate the evil, to shut it down, to send it into the good night, into exile where it belongs.

Instead, Republicans have taken a match to this evil, set it ablaze, and launched this firecracker into into America.

They have shown themselves to be:




Unable to lead, to govern, to do ANYTHING that does not require first getting Donald Trump’s approval.

At times like this, one finds out who has courage and who does not.

But as disturbing as all of this is, what’s happening NOW is even more troubling.

Allow me to elaborate.

Republicans are no longer merely taking orders from the convicted felon; they’re trying to emulate him.

Cases in point:

Florida Republican Byron Donalds over the weekend accused President Biden of spying on the American people.

If THAT doesn’t sound paranoid enough to you, try this on for size.

Florida Rep. Anna Paulina Luna wants Congress to vote on whether to have the Sergeant of arms arrest Merrick Garland for not giving them the tape of President Biden’s interview with the special prosecutor..

There are so many more examples I could give. The point is Republicans have given up EVEN THE PRETENSE of working for the American people. They now all sound — they all sound — frankly — delusional. Paranoid. It’s like they should be in straight jackets. I’m not kidding.

It is impossible to believe that this party markets itself as being for the people. They have not only drank the Cool-aid, but the it’s been fully digested, and they’re going for seconds—and thirds. Never has the GOP appeared weaker (and weirder) than how they appear now. They are not a party. They are the lunatic fringe — literally.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: