Donald Trump reportedly “losing control of basic biological functions”

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Whenever Donald Trump speaks these days, he displays symptoms consistent with dementia, such as memory problems, confusion, the inability to speak correctly, and made up words. Whenever Trump appears in court these days, he displays other symptoms consistent with dementia, such as repeatedly dozing off.

Trump’s constant snoozing during his criminal trial is such an embarrassing problem, his attorneys are reportedly taking measures to try to keep him awake, such as giving him files to flip through and never leaving him alone at the table. But it’s still obvious that Trump is a goner.

Now Dr. John Gartner says that Trump “seems to be losing control of basic biological functions right in front of our eyes.” That’s about right. Trump’s constant snoozing also comes amid allegations that he keeps passing gas during his trial, seemingly unaware that he’s even doing it. Trump is indeed falling to pieces. Now when is the media going to cover his worsening senility?

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