Donald Trump just waved the white flag

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From the start it’s been pretty easy to predict that Donald Trump would end up having to debate Kamala Harris, because he was behind in the polls and didn’t have a choice. It was a low percentage play for him, but it was also his only real shot at getting back in the race with one big swing. Trump, of course, lost the debate. So what now?

Trump is now faced with two options. The first is that he can sign up for a second debate, and hope Kamala has an off night, and perhaps undo some of the damage that he did to himself in the first debate. Trump’s second option is to simply wave the white flag, decide not to even try a second debate, and hope that he just happens to find himself back in contention without trying.

During an unhinged yet zero energy rally speech on Thursday, Trump announced that he will indeed refuse to do a second debate. He could always end up changing his mind if he stays this far behind in the polls with time running out. But for now Trump is waving the white flag. He knows he got destroyed by Kamala in the first debate, and he doesn’t want to have to go through the humiliation or the electoral damage of having to get destroyed by her again.

This doesn’t mean the election is over. But it means Trump is giving up trying to win. Now it’s our job to dive in and run up the score so Kamala wins by a big enough margin that any election hijinks don’t end up mattering.

Personal note from Bill Palmer – I need your help. If each of you can send $5 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world: Click here.