Donald Trump has unhinged meltdown about “mental institutions and insane asylums” and how he walked into a wall

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Donald Trump’s dementia symptoms are getting so severe so quickly that it’s a matter of time before his behavior becomes so disturbing that he ends up in a mental health facility – or perhaps the psych ward of whatever prison he ends up in. Trump seems to know that he’s headed there, based on his latest obsessive rant.

During a public appearance today, Trump abandoned the speech he was supposed to give and instead went on a bender about “mental institutions and insane asylums” and fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter, whom Trump appears to think is a real (but deceased) person. Trump also incoherently appeared to claim that he keeps walking into a wall, but sometimes the wall isn’t there:

Is this Trump’s way of admitting that his dementia has gotten so bad that he’s walking into walls? He’s lost his filter, so if this kind of thing is happening, it would make sense that he’s admitting it. Of course Trump is now claiming that he no longer walks into walls because of the bad press he’s gotten from it, but… what is he talking about?

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