Donald Trump freaks out

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now:

If there’s one thing we know about convicted felon Donald John Trump, it is that he cannot take criticism. Therefore, it should come as no surprise to you that Trump flipped out on Truth Social about reports that he can no longer draw big crowds to his political rallies.

As Palmer Report told you, there were scant people at Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania. Pictures showed a gathering far from overflowing and appearing devoid of many human beings, as one could see in the photos of empty rows featuring empty chairs.

Trump, however, appears to have bristled at the negative criticism. So he lashed out at President Biden on Truth Social, saying that his rally was filled with Maga asses – of course, it was.

Trump then accused the Biden team of engaging in “cheap fakes.” He said they’re trying to manipulate and lie about Trump’s “energetic and overflow rally.” How does that work exactly? Is Trump, senility blazing from him in all its naked glory, saying that the Biden campaign doctored photos?

The problem for Trump is that it is not BIDEN saying this. It’s everyone ELSE. The camera doesn’t lie, Mr. Psychopath. The camera doesn’t lie, and it repeatedly showed rows and rows of empty seats. Perhaps you’re feeling inwardly a bit embarrassed that you can no longer get and maintain a crowd? Perhaps you’re a bit irritated that most people cannot stand you?

Then Trump brought in the glowing golden sunlight. Yes, he did! He invoked the name of Barack Obama, former President, Trump’s ultimate nemesis, the one Trump has been sweating envy over for years, the sun to Trump’s dank HELL and one of the best damn presidents we ever had.

Trump posted a photo that he labeled “Obama/Biden rally” showing an empty arena. Of course, nobody with one iota of intelligence would take that seriously. Few people could draw a crowd like former President Obama. His soaring speeches were are the stuff that political legends are made of—and political envy, especially in Trump’s case.

So, as we approach the debate, let’s review what exactly is on Traitor’s mind. Indeed, not the American people. However, what IS on his mind is his failure to draw crowds. What IS in his periphery is the man he’s never stopped envying. What is on his (senile) mind is not doing any debate prep. One certain thing? Donald John Trump is the ultimate miserable failure.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: