Dementia on steroids

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now:

“Dementia on steroids.” Donald Trump’s infamous shark story, which unfolded at a rally, is a prime example of how low his brain has sunk. He veered off-topic, discussing his fear of sharks and a bizarre scenario involving electrocution.

Since then, he’s been mocked mercilessly, and he’s not happy about that. So he attempted to do damage control. It didn’t go well:

“I’m not rambling.”

“They want to make boats.”

“They are demanding that they all be battery operated.”

“I start asking questions.”

“It’s actually not crazy.”

“It’s sort of a smart story.”

Well, if you say so.

The internet begs to differ.

“His brains are pudding.”

“Dementia on steroids.”

No matter what he says and does, Trump cannot rid himself of the laughter and mockery that have come for him, and that isn’t leaving anytime soon.

We are fortunate in that the media has now started talking earnestly about Trump’s cognitive decline. (Remember, Palmer Report was the first to talk about it.)

Here’s the thing, though: It isn’t going to get any better for him. It’ll probably get worse.

These things always do. If you thought THIS was not good, imagine what the man will sound like by the time the election rolls around.

Out of control. No matter how hard I try (and I have tried), I can’t think of a single rally or one appearance that Trump has made recently where he hasn’t rambled or gone off the script or made some terrible blunder. It’s not just once or twice; it’s EVERY TIME HE SPEAKS.

This will not end well. At this point, Donald Trump’s brain is a Sopranos episode. It’s episode after episode, leaving us transfixed, at the edge of our seats, waiting to see how it all plays out. As the episodes become more and more bizarre each day, leading up to the denouement , they become darker and more ominous, eading us gently into the finale where……

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: