As the worm turns

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now:

Today is the first of three consecutive days this weekin which the Supreme Court is scheduled to announce rulings. So within the hour we could have a rough idea of when Donald Trump’s federal criminal trial in Washington DC will get underway. Or the Supreme Court could make us wait another day or two for the news, just because. In the meantime there’s a lot else going on.

In Trump’s other federal criminal trial, Jack Smith just revealed in a filing that Trump was keeping stolen classified nuclear secrets next to a case of Diet Coke, in a reminder of just how corrupt and inept Trump is. It’s also a timely reminder that these kinds of filings are going to keep happening for the remainder of the election cycle, providing President Biden and the Democratic Party with ongoing political ammunition to use against a sinking Trump.

But arguably the biggest news right now is coming out of Colorado’s 4th House District. That’s the far right district that Lauren Boebert tried to carpetbag her way into. All that the national Republican Party had to do was get behind a candidate, and it could have easily defeated Boebert in the primary contest and been done with her scandals forever. But the national Republican Party more or less doesn’t exist these days, and so no such effort took place, and Boebert won last night more or less by default.

The Republican Party used to be led by corrupt but pragmatic villains like Mitch McConnell, who knew how to play the game and used their muscle in order to make it happen. These days the Republican Party “decision making” pretty much consists of an addled Donald Trump trying to remember if Lauren Boebert is his daughter or his cleaning lady. When it comes to decision making and strategy, there is no Republican Party anymore. We’re going to see more of this as we get closer to November. There’s no one calling any shots who knows how to call shots. The GOP is just every clown for himself.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: